“No mud, no lotus.” – Thich Nhat Hanh

A certified Hypnotherapist and Psychedelic-Assisted Therapies facilitator in training,

Soo helps people become the person they want to be.

Life-enhancing journeys await you!

My childhood was…volatile. There were explosive fights, abuse on all levels, persistent alcoholism, and perpetuating uncertainty. I lived in fear a lot of the time. You can imagine that led to a pretty dysregulated nervous system. That manifested in my life as addiction, disorders, anxiety, depression, chronic pain. I was self-destructing, numbing, coping, surviving. Everything felt like a battle. Life was out to get me and I didn’t feel safe in my own body.

Then in December 2018, on a flight to see my mom in Chicago, I decided to listen to a downloaded podcast episode from Victoria Gallagher’s podcast. It was titled “How to Combine Hypnosis and Law of Attraction”, and she was interviewing Grace Smith. I was intrigued by the law of attraction and wanted to learn more about it. Still, I remember thinking “Wow, law of attraction and hypnosis? Weird.” I popped my earbuds in and listened to the entire episode, eyes wide open. I did not move one centimeter as I clung to every word. It was as if I was remembering something I already understood - about the subconscious, the theta brain state, meditation.

The rest is history. I started listening to guided meditations at work and on my hour-long commutes. I was utilizing self-hypnosis techniques to help me study. And it was making a difference. I could feel it. One ordinary afternoon, I felt something I hadn’t felt in a long, long time - hope. It was like a crisp, refreshing cup of water on a hot humid night.

That spring I enrolled in Grace’s hypnotherapy school. Even though I was still working in corporate, studying diligently for the LSAT, I just knew hypnotherapy was in my future. Together with my hypnotherapist, Jen Oliver, I overcame anxiety. This quite literally changed the course of my life.

5 years later, having facilitated thousands of hypnotherapy sessions, I wouldn’t change a thing. And if you're a learner-for-life as well, I hope you'll join me on these fantastic adventures! Talk soon~

headshot, green sweater, asian american woman
headshot, green sweater, asian american woman


Private Hypnotherapy

Hypnotherapy taps into the subconscious mind, helping you access your inner resources and make positive changes at a deep level.

psychedelic lotus in bloom
psychedelic lotus in bloom
lotus in the mountains
lotus in the mountains
Group Psychedelic-Assisted Hypnotherapy

The integration of psychedelic experiences with hypnotherapy techniques enables you to gain a greater understanding, improve mental well-being, and cultivate a sense of inner harmony and spiritual connectedness.

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